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Monday, February 7, 2011

Biomedic Remedy for Acne

A person has his or her own unique skin type compared with other people, which is an important thing to consider when trying to use cosmetic products. One should be careful and be aware about how a certain product was formulated and also its hazards. La-Roche Posay products do not ignore this significant information that is why they have made Biomedic products that can take care of the skin that deserves special treatments. With high-quality and high-safety involved, Biomedic products have small concentration of chemicals in thermal spring water that can treat acne of a person.

Acne is a condition where the skin experiences outbreaks composed by lesions and cysts in different parts of the body. It is often due to blocked pores and hair follicles. Every after 28 days, the skin renews itself starting off with the lower layer of the epidermis then up to the surface. In this process, matured skin cells slough off after being dried up. Acne-affected people have faster rate of sloughing off dead skin cells and plugs consistently form due to these skin cells plus the sebum, allowing blockage to occur. Invasion of bacteria like acne happens when this kind of blockage closes the follicles of the skin. Inflammation, on the other hand, is quite natural because it means that the white blood cells of the body are currently working to protect it from the invading bacteria. Acne lesions are more often to be seen from the face, going down to the neck, shoulders and chest. Serious types of lesions result in permanent scarring in the body. Acne is usually not a threat to a man’s health, but one is more prone to emotional distress that may greatly affect his or her living.

To handle acne, one must know his or her own skin type. If you have a very oily skin, then you have a great chance to acquire acne. If you had one, these are things that you may do to get rid of acne:

  1. You can use Biomedic Antibacterial Acne to clean your skin twice a day. Care should be done in doing this procedure. Instead of rubbing your face against the dry towel, patting it would do the trick.

  2. Drying agents are next to use like Biomedic Antibacterial Protection during night time.

  3. Regular skin exfoliation is greatly advisable to make no room for blocked off skin follicles due to dead skin cells. La-Roche Posay offers Micropeel, a 3-step treatment of the skin that consists of Biomedic Pure Enzyme, AHA solution and Cryogenic Therapy, all capable of freeing the skin from blockage and inflammation.

There is also a 21-day acne treatment kit that is offered by Biomedic that already cleans, naturalizes and exfoliates the person’s skin using lipohydroxy acid, salicylic acid.


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  2. Biomedic Remedy for Acne gives the appropriate sort of treatment according to the nature of acne problems.

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